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How the investment works
Answers to frequently asked questions from investors
How Artificial Intelligence will change the way we invest in 2025
How to invest with Walliance Crowd?
Which projects are available?
How risky is the investment?
Are there tax breaks for those who invest through Walliance?
How do I earn money if I decide to invest?
How much does it cost to invest?
What are KYC and KYB
The different types of investor
What is a representative Mandate?
What is liquidation preference?
What is the Appropriateness Questionnaire (MiFID)?
What is Indexing, how does it work, and how much does it cost?
What is customized negotiation for Lending crowdfunding and how does it work?
How does taxation work?
ISEE certification
How does the Wallet work?
Who is Mangopay SA?
When is my bank transfer verified?
Order management
Can I cancel an investment made with Walliance Crowd?
How and when does an exit take place?
Simulation of the ability to bear loss
Can capital losses derived from an operation that closes with liquidation of an Italian loss-making company be carried as an offset?
How should I deal with tax monitoring of my Mangopay Wallet?
Information on costs and fees
I have had an account on Walliance for many years now; do I need to update it to receive refunds and returns for projects I've invested in?
Which project documents can I browse?
Creation and management of SPVs (Special Purpose Vehicles) in collaboration with AIMG
ESG criteria in the Real Estate sector
What is the Investment Memorandum and which information does it contain?
Property Outlook: what is it for?
How long does a real estate operation last?
What happens if the campaign does not reach the fundraising target?
What if the company in which I invest goes bankrupt?
What happens if the funding company does not comply with the rules?