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How to invest with Walliance Crowd?

The investment process, step-by-step

Luce Landolfi avatar
Written by Luce Landolfi
Updated over a week ago

To invest with Walliance Crowd, create a free account (as an individual or legal entity) from the website, or via app, by entering your country of residence, your e-mail address, and choosing a password.

You will also be asked for some data needed to proceed with the initial verification, such as your fiscal code number (if applicable) and your phone number.

Once your account is created, you will need to validate your profile in order to complete your registration and be ready to invest. Here's how to do it 👇

You can do all the steps listed below directly from mobile, either by downloading the Walliance app on your iPhone or Android device 📲

1. How to validate your profile

To validate your profile, enter your personal "Account" area and complete the "Validate profile" section, which includes 7 steps.

1. Verify that your personal data (or corporate data in the case of an account created as a legal entity) is correct.

2. With an ID and a selfie, verify your identity and your address.

💡 Remember: read all requirements carefully to pass the verification successfully. Be prepared to take or upload a photo of your ID and a selfie (without glasses or other accessories!).

📲 You can verify your identity and your address directly from mobile by scanning the QR code that appears in the upper right corner during the validation process

How to invest with Walliance Crowd?

Verification is carried out through the platform "ShuftiPro", provided by the Company Shufti Pro Limited whose terms and conditions will be available during the procedure (and accessible at the following link according to the standards of the KYC procedure and verification of residential address.

3. Enter your bank account data (account holder’s name, IBAN or account number, and BIC/SWIFT code) and activate your Mangopay Wallet, which will allow you to manage money related to transactions made on Walliance more easily and free of charge.

4. Complete the AML Questionnaire, which aims at protecting the company as well as investors and issuers from attempted bribery, online fraud, and money laundering practices.

5. Complete the Appropriateness Questionnaire, required by regulations. Its purpose is to verify that you have the appropriate level of experience and knowledge to understand the risks related to the investment offer.

6. Select your Investor type, according to current regulations that distinguish the following types of investors: non-sophisticated investor, sophisticated investor, professional investor.

7. Simulate your ability to bear losses, calculated as 10% of your net worth (according to Article 9 of the Delegated Regulation - EU 2022/2114).

Once your profile is validated and your Mangopay Wallet activated you will receive a confirmation e-mail. You will then be able to edit the data you entered from the "My Info" section found in your personal area "Account".

2. How to invest with Walliance Crowd

After being “coming soon”, an investment offer goes into a 48-hour preview. From this moment on you will have access to all the information in the project page, including a full set of documents on the offer, for you to easily carry out your due diligence.

You will also be able to ask questions to both the Issuer Company, and Walliance’s Project Supervisor, in the Q&A section of the project page.

Once the 48-hour countdown is over, the funding campaign will be opened and you will be able to invest. The investment process consists of a maximum of 5 very simple steps, depending on the type of product 5️⃣

How to invest with Walliance Crowd?
  1. Confirm the amount you want to invest and select the required fields to continue.

  2. For Equity projects only, choose whether to join the alternative share header scheme by indexing your investment. This step is optional and not mandatory.

  3. Verify your data and confirm. In the case of a Lending crowdfunding project, you will also need to proceed with signing the Financing Contract.

  4. Choose and confirm the payment method between automatic debit on your Mangopay Wallet and a bank transfer to the bank details provided later.

  5. If you chose to use your Mangopay Wallet, download the confirmation of investment. Otherwise, download the order confirmation to complete the payment by wire transfer (here you will find the details of the recipient bank account and the description). You will receive a confirmation e-mail.

How to invest with Walliance Crowd?

3. What happens now?

If you did not pay using your Mangopay Wallet, the wire transfer must be made as soon as the investment process on the portal is completed, and in any case no later than 4 calendar days from the subscription date, as per Article 22 of Regulation (EU) 2020/1503, which allows investors to exercise the so-called "reflection period."

The wire transfer must be done from the same IBAN entered within your Personal Dashboard, in the "My Info" section, and must correspond to a bank account in your name (or co-owned). The investment confirmation will be sent by e-mail after a few days, following automatic verification of received amounts, and will also be available in your personal area. That is why it is important that the description you enter for the transfer matches exactly the description shared with you on the last step of the investment process.

Remember: the money transfer to the Issuer is made through our partner Mangopay. At the time of investment, in fact, the funds are deposited in an unavailable account in the name of the Issuer Company that collects the money, but they will remain blocked until the fundraise is completed and any possible suspensive conditions are fully met.

If the Offer closes successfully, you can continue with Step 4.

If the fundraising campaign does not reach the minimum target, the offer is considered to have ended unsuccessfully, and you will be refunded the amounts you had invested directly into your Wallet.

4. How to keep track of your investments

Once the offer is finalized you can track the progress of your investment in several ways.

1. "Report" section

Here you will find all the updates related to the investment offer. Let's explore all areas one by one.

NB: For projects completed before 01/31/2023, the "Income Statement," "Gantt," and "Gallery" areas are not visible.

A navigable income statement

In this area, you can immediately compare the values of expected costs and revenues from the Business Plan with the consolidated ones, actually incurred or generated at a given date. This information is also represented graphically by the two-colored bars placed above the table.

With the date selector on the left, you can also compare values in different periods. The selectable dates refer to the date an update was published (for some investment offers, only the total amount of costs and revenues may be visible, without any details).

Gantt: an interactive timeline

Do you want to know how far along the construction stage is? Or when the marketing activities will begin? Here you can view the timeline of the various stages of the investment offer, as well as follow any advances or delays compared to the initial forecasted time span.

The gray line refers to the forecast as per initial Business Plan, while the yellow line represents updated timelines based on the most recent update, or the situation at a specific date. If only the gray line is visible, it means that no discrepancy has been recorded compared to Business Plan.

Below the graph the following information is summerized: the initial exit date as per the Business Plan; any discrepancy from the initial estimated duration of the project; and the updated exit date.

The “Gallery”

Here you will find all pictures related to the work in progress of the operation. The gallery is visible only in case photographic material is available.

"Communications" section

Here you can access all communications made by the Issuer Company, or shared by the Project Supervisor.

On a quarterly basis, beginning with the finalization of the offer, a report is shared, summarizing the work in progress of the project in which you have invested. In addition, each month the Project Supervisor shares the most relevant news about the progress of the real estate operation.

For Lending and Debt Crowdfunding projects, the areas used for Reports are:


  • Gallery

  • Communications

2. Q&A section

You can ask questions in the Q&A area of the project page. The Issuer Company will answer the questions promptly until the offer is finalized, and thereafter the answers will be given through Walliance’s Project Supervisor to whom the real estate project is assigned.

3. Dashboard

Within your personal Dashboard you will have access to an overview of your investment portfolio.

Specifically, you will find: the total amount of investments you have made; a timeline with provisional cash inflows; your Mangopay Wallet balance; a summary table of key information about all investments you have made; and a list of updates on the operations in which you have invested.

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