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How does taxation work?

How are dividends received taxed?

Wally avatar
Written by Wally
Updated over 9 months ago

In general, taxation is a topic that might be very complicated.

For this reason, it is important not to underestimate the direct effect that an investment or financing can have for tax purposes.

The summary table available at the following link aims at helping Walliance users understand the taxation regime for their earnings.

References to regulations are updated to November 5, 2023.

We emphasize the need in all cases to consult your tax advisor for detailed information about the applicability of these provisions to your specific tax situation.

Please note that investments published on Walliance may result in the investor's receipt of income which may be qualified as "capital" or "financial."

The taxation regime of such income depends on the nature of the beneficiary (investor).

Walliance is a crowdfunding portal through which an investor can decide to diversify investments by breaking down the typical entry barriers of the real estate investments and renewable energy sector.

Walliance allows the investor to access the investment offer by investing in or directly financing the corporate structure that develops and manages the crowdfunding operation: the investor does not directly purchase any real estate operation but participates in it by financing it or acquiring shares/assets of the company that manages the initiative.

Walliance showcases the Issuer's project, which, through the Internet, is presented to a network of potential investors.

Crowdfunding makes it possible to gather contributions, even more modest ones, of many investors to realize a significant fundraising used for the development of a business or investment project for which the Offer was launched on the portal.

The Portal has the primary and exclusive function of facilitating the widespread raising of capital by the subjects of the public who access it. In fact, the provisions of EU Regulation 2020/1503 for the protection of investors establish the set of requirements and procedures to be followed by the parties concerned (Investor/Issuer/ECSP) and that are necessary for the proper completion of the investment, in compliance with the system of protections provided by the Law in favor and the community of savers.

Click here to access the questionnaire that will help you understand how your investment will be taxed.

Click here to download the summary scheme on taxation.

Click here to download the guide to declaring interest earned for Lending crowdfunding projects.

Mangopay SA provides through Walliance information regarding the average balance, starting balance and ending balance of your Wallet.

You will be able to find them by the end of April of the year following the completed year, within the "Taxation" area of your profile in a summary document.

Your Mangopay Wallet, being a French payment account, is considered as a foreign current account only for tax monitoring purposes. Therefore, the holding of funds in such accounts is subject to the tax monitoring requirement.
This entails filling out form RW of the “Modello Unico”, as stipulated in Article 4 of Decree Law No. 167/1990, to be attached to the tax return (without application of IVAFE).

For more information regarding the tax monitoring of your Mangopay Wallet and the compilation of the form RW, you can consult the following article.

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