The online capital raising portal called Walliance is managed by the company Walliance SIM SpA, with share capital of € 150,000, registered to the Register of Companies of Trento (Italy), tax code and VAT number IT02432640221, REA TN-224237.
The registered and administrative office of Walliance SIM SpA is at Viale della Costituzione 16, 38122 in Trento. Some operational activities are conducted at Via Giovanni Omboni 5 in Milan.
Walliance SIM controls the following companies, which provide services preparatory to the exercise of activities by the parent company in France and Spain, and in no way engage in reserved activities:
SAS Walliance France, located at 12 Quai du Commerce, 69009 Lyon, France, VAT: FR03850446915
Walliance Spain, S.L.U., located at Calle Jose Ortega y Gasset 22-24, 28006 Madrid, Spain, NIF: B72842677, VAT: ESB72842677
Walliance SIM SpA has been (i) authorized to operate as a crowdfunding service provider as per Regulation (EU) 2020/1503, by CONSOB Resolution No. 22878 of November 08/11/2023.
European crowdfunding portal activity’s start date: November 9, 2023.
Investment Company activity’s start date: activity not yet exercised.
Manager's contacts
Walliance SIM SpA's telephone number for emergencies is +39 02 4003 1237, or +33 4 81 68 50 78 from France, or alternatively +34 911 233 118 from Spain.
The e-mail address for Italian users is
The e-mail address for French users is
The e-mail address for Spanish users is
Walliance also manages active communication channels within its platform, which allows people to get in touch with the company's Customer Service, via a chatbot service.
Persons exercising management, administration, and control functions in Walliance SIM SpA
Walliance SIM SpA is managed by a Board of Directors composed of seven members:
Armando Antonio Carole Borghi, Chairman of the Board of Directors
Giacomo Bertoldi, CEO and Employer
Marco Mongera, Councilor with authority
Valeria Falcone, Councilor
Giovanna Puppo della Gherardesca, Councilor
Mirko Tironi, Councilor
John Sussarellu, Councilor
Subjects holding at least 20% of the share capital
The share capital of Walliance SIM SpA is € 150,000. The following shareholders turn out to hold stakes of at least 20% of the share capital:
Bertoldi Holding Srr
The Board of Statutory Auditors
Marco Bernardis, Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors
Nicola Filippi, Standing Auditor
Fabiano Chizzola, Standing Auditor
Marco Bortoli, Alternate Auditor
Francesco Gobbi, Alternate Auditor