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Measures to reduce and manage fraud risks
Measures to reduce and manage fraud risks
Wally avatar
Written by Wally
Updated over a week ago

A "fraud" occurs whenever a person engages in malicious behavior aimed at gaining his or her own economic advantage and disadvantage another person.

It is believed that, within Walliance, instances of fraud may result from the following factors, for which the safeguards described are provided.

It is understood that Walliance (the "Company") will report to the Judicial Authority any situation likely to integrate the elements of fraud.

Fraud related to Issuer's behavior

The Company believes that the greatest risk of fraud arises from the possible publication of false or incomplete information provided by parties who qualify as Issuers (the "Issuers").

The Company, during the bid selection phase, performs formal checks designed to assess the accuracy, completeness and transparency of the information provided during the preparation of the collection, possibly making use of the work of external collaborators.

In particular, in order to confirm the actual regularity of the offers, the Issuer must please note and publish within the Portal the capital increase resolution authorizing the public offering of the financial instruments. To this end, the legality checks put in place by the notary who drafts the minutes apply.

An additional risk factor concerns the misuse of funds raised after the successful closing of the offer. It should be noted, in this regard, that Issuers are solely responsible for the use of the funds raised and that the Company requires Issuers to be provided with periodic updates even after the conclusion of the Campaign, believing that this obligation may act as a deterrent to the commission of fraud.

Fraud related to financial transactions

The services relating to the receipt and finalization of orders to join offers on the portal, including those relating to the establishment of the relevant provision, are carried out by the authorized Payment Service Provider Mangopay SA with which the Company has entered into an agreement concerning the receipt and finalization of investors' orders. Therefore, all anti-intrusion safeguards implemented by the Payment Service Provider itself apply in this area.

Fraud related to the publication of information material

The Company will publish the offer on its portal only following the successful completion of the selection process and, therefore, only after performing a careful evaluation of the project and the lawfulness of the initiative.

This allows the Company to make correct and exact control over the contents of the offer published on the portal, which will faithfully represent the reality of the project and the real prospects for success, highlighting in detail the positive and negative aspects of the investment.

At the same time, checks will be made on the legality and truthfulness of documents provided during the selection process.

Such verifications will enable the investor to have a complete and accurate picture of the project in which he or she invests his or her savings, thus limiting the risks of fraud related to the publication of information material.

It is also guaranteed, through the server-farm hosting the portal, an intrusion-prevention garrison by third parties.

The Company also takes all necessary measures to ensure the protection of the so-called administrator password.

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