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Walliance Community Standard: guidelines for participation and moderation goals
Walliance Community Standard: guidelines for participation and moderation goals
Luce Landolfi avatar
Written by Luce Landolfi
Updated over a week ago

You can find Walliance on the social networks LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, and X where it shares information about the company's activities and creates new spaces for in-depth coverage of topics related to real estate, the investment world, design, architecture, and lifestyle. All social media channels are managed by the Marketing department, except for the Q&A area of the website, which is managed directly by the Real Estate team through Disqus (a comment hosting service for websites and virtual communities whose privacy terms and conditions, recently updated to reflect the new and strict European regulations in this matter, can be consulted by clicking here). Each of these channels receives dozens of comments on a weekly basis. They are all read and possibly moderated by the relevant team.

This content aims at explaining to the users the measures we undertake to create inclusive and safe environments for discussion and dialogue.

We apply "zero tolerance" toward comments that we believe could be considered harmful or offensive to users registered on the platform, Issuers Companies, or members of the Walliance team.

If they have been personally offended or feel concern for others, participants are invited to mark (via the menu next to the offending comment) or email us the potentially inappropriate comment so we can evaluate it.

We will adjudicate the reported comments at our discretion. However, where appropriate and if time and circumstances permit, we will discuss the decision with the parties concerned, as long as the dialogue remains reasonable, balanced and calm.

Community Principles

Tone and attitude

Lively discussions and debates are welcome. However, any comments containing personal attacks, offensive words or aggressive and/or provocative tones will be removed. Racism, sexism, homophobia, or any other form of hate will not be tolerated.

We aim at ensuring a welcoming and open environment for discussions. Therefore, we distinguish between moderate, violent, and provocative discussions.

MODERATION: should we determine that a user's comments and interaction repeatedly take on an offensive or aggressive nature, we reserve the right to suspend the user without any notice or discussion - however, we will contact the participants involved where we deem it appropriate.

Clarity and intentions

We urge users to always review the content of their comments before posting to ensure that the message is interpreted as intended.

MODERATION: we accept criticism toward our work and will never act against a comment or participant who expresses disagreement or concern about it.

However, where we find false imputations directed at denigrating or belittling the moral integrity, professionalism, or reputation of others, we will act according to legal provisions.

User profile pictures (avatar)

We ask users to avoid the use of distasteful images on Disqus as user photos/images (avatars). Prohibited content may include sexually explicit, allusive, or revealing images; depictions of violence or blood; images of cruelty; celebration or depiction of criminals or criminal activities; and propaganda.

MODERATION: the criteria for this requirement may change without notice, and our team will moderate (with suspension/ban/warning measures) at their discretion and without any obligation to discuss this.

Shadow profiles

Users are required to maintain only one profile and not to use pseudonyms. Should we determine that a user maintains multiple profiles, we will publicly admonish the affected user during discussion. Should the user continue to maintain multiple profiles, their accounts will be removed or banned.

If you feel that you have been unfairly sanctioned because of this rule and wish to challenge the decision, you may contact Walliance who will respond as soon as technically possible.

Who moderates the discussions?

Monitoring and moderating discussions on Walliance is a shared responsibility between the Marketing and Real Estate department teams.

Is it necessary to create an account to ask questions in the Q&A area?

We understand that not all visitors wish to create a Disqus account just to ask a question, however we currently ask participants in Q&A area discussions to post their comments using a registered account.

How can I help keep a Q&A area inviting for discussion?

As explained above, we ask all participants to maintain a respectful and thoughtful attitude in discussions. If users notice a potentially problematic comment, they are asked to mark it using the menu next to the offending comment. However, users are asked to refrain from "vigilantism" practices by attacking any offenders in any way.

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